Thursday, February 21, 2008


THERE IS NO TIME FOR pithy commentary.

IT IS SIMPLY IMPERATIVE that you go here, now.


That is all.


Anonymous said...

"The Ideal Pancreas
Part: 2"

My Ideal Pancreas has but one part: The Pancreas.

Unknown said...

While the titles were intriguing, I would love to see what the actual experiments were. Juicy Beans has my interest piqued.

Of note, my little first grader would have kicked these peoples' butts.

DeleteMe said...

"Friend or Foe"..?
I'm going with "Froe" and hope for half credit.

dalas v. said...

tony said...

I think I heard Plants and Pop being hawked in the pit on "The Wire."

Hugh Lafferty said...

"Garlic: The Silent Killer."

Notice how sharp the boy's teeth are when magnified 200%? From this, I can only conclude that Dracula and His Minions have achieved their dream of world conquest! (Who else would label garlic a "silent killer"?) I knew my collection of crucifixes and stakes would come in handy some day!

A further worry . . . is there any connection between this threat and the ones posed by hobos!? We await an answer, Hodgman!

James said...

Apparently, many children are stupid.

Tim said...

I don't know if anyone else read the comments on that page (and, frankly, you probably shouldn't, unless you enjoy reading alternately about how ugly the children are or how hot they are), but someone provided this link to a creationist "science" fair. It features such forward-thinking projects as "Dinosaur & Man Walked Together" and "Women Were Designed for Homemaking".

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to rest my brain after seeing that.

Elizabeth said...

Yay! Fine examples of how far behind we are in Science education!!!

Violets are purple,
Roses are red.
Those who say creation
lack a brain in their head

Anonymous said...

Re: link provided by Tim

The first thing that brain did to cope after reading such a bizarre collection of projects was swing in the other direction: What would a comic-book universe Science Fair be like?

Did I Evolve From Humans? One Ape Lad's Story.

Flame Off! The Human Torch: Global Warming's Secret Threat?

Flighty Foreigners: Should Swooping Supers Submit To TSA Tactics?

Color Hypersensitivity And You

Adam Wishneusky said...

thank you, John. I feel much better about my job prospects knowing these are the next wave of high-tech brainiacs

Thomas Burchfield said...

There's something "post-modern"-sounding about a lot of these, at least where the exhibit names are concerned. "Science . . . it's *so* ironic!"

Anonymous said...

i think i was like seven of these kids.

Emperor Norton said...

Splendid and fascinating scientific discoveries. We are filled with hope for the future. Hallelujah, and God Bless America.

Elizabeth said...

This has nothing to do with this post, but you should check out this amazing photo mosaic of Obama I found on Flickr.

Brent Diggs said...

And they say the golden age of science is over.

Anonymous said...


daniel said...

I did not understand anything from this website.If anyone understands please be free to tell me.

Crystal Meth Addiction

James said...

shit; daniel seems tired and confused. i hope that he is not the child in the video.