Monday, July 30, 2007


h in sunrays
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
...THAT THE HOBOES are the new pirates.

Thank you, LAD.

That is all.


ramona said...

Ahoy! This gives me hope for the future of my Hoboes of the Caribbean screenplay...

Unknown said...

You're welcome, Hodg-Man.

Tawm said...

I suppose it can no longer be denied.

Cale Monson said...

To see my gushing, fan-boy review of Sir Hodgman and his literary works, see the July 25th entry at


Mark Fearing said...

I thought it was shut-ins.
(a park for shut-ins)

Annje said...


Have to admit your bit last night was hysterical..Although during the William Jennings Bryan bit I kept thinking about Beaker with his "mee mee meeing...". Thanks for the laugh!

As for the Hoboes of the Caribbean I have a feeling they are searching for a booty of beans!! :)


Chris said...

good day mister hodgman... thought you might be interested in some found hobo audio from the good people at wfmu.

Conversations with Sidedoor Pullman Kid Hop-A-Long Chet Dante and Austin John

beajerry said...

Is it "Hoboes" or "Hobos"?

Priscilla said...

They are also convening!

Anonymous said...

come back, john hodgman, come back.

ramona said...

A hobo convention -- well that might explain where Hodg-Man has been.

Two things trouble me about this hobo convention. First, I notice that they have an Alumni Banquet. Is there some sort of Hobo High School or perhaps University of Hobo out there?

Second, I see that there was a Giant Parade this morning. With actual giants? Regular giants, or maybe giant hoboes? In any case, we should all be on alert... I'm not sure which is more alarming, the convening of giant hoboes, or an alliance between the more traditionally-sized hoboes and their new giant friends.

Unknown said...

I'm actually beginning to suspect that squid are the new hoboes.

But maybe that's just the squid-obsessed circles I travel in.

All I can say for sure is that it's not Bunnies. Yet.