Friday, April 27, 2007


I FORGOT ABOUT THIS ONE: Heaven's Gate, the sequel...

That is all.


Anonymous said...


jwgh said...

When I was working at an Internet start-up in Manhattan in the late 90s, I was leaving for home after working late one evening when I heard a couple of people in the lawyer's office across from ours talking. One asked the other, "What is it that [company] does, anyway?" The other said, "I'll tell you this much: They aren't waiting for any Hale-Bopp."

For some reason this incident stuck with me.

Unknown said...

There are some days when I wish we lived in a world where horrible truth and hilarious parody were easier to tell apart.

Anonymous said...

okay the link is on the post now but i SWEAR TO GOD that it was not there earlier.

at least, i think it wasn't.

it's possible that it was.

Unknown said...

It's a miracle! Praise Hale-Bopp!

Rodneylives said...

Ah, so it was Bearman who wrote that. I was a fan of his without even realizing it!

(But, is he really a bear?)

anon said...

Well, first he was a man. And then he was a bear-man. Eventually he will be just a bear.

Rickey said...

Sounds fun--does Rickey get Nikes for joining?