THANKS GO AS WELL to: the comments, for pointing out the margin errors. I hope this fixes it.
That is all.
Pertaining to "MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE," a further compendium of COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE, and its author. That is all.
a question of etiquette:
say that there is a book whose release you're looking forward to. and imagine that you plan to attend the book signing when the author visits your imaginary city. let's pretend also that you have the kind of fruity bookish job that's easily eliminated during times of global economic crisis, so it's probably a good idea to save money by not buying multiple copies of the same book just at present.
is it considered rude to buy a copy of the book when it comes out & bring it to the signing whenever that occurs? it is, isn't it?
re: Hobo ur-myth
You said in the recent Onion AV Club that there must have been some sort of proto-hobo lore in the late 1970s. Actually, it was a made for TV movie in 1982 or 1983.
I watched it and instantly wanted to be a hobo. The next day in school (second grade) we all did drawings of what we wanted to be when we grew up. I drew myself as a hobo - the life of adventure and travel! - and was roundly mocked by my evil, stay-at-home classmates.
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