Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Here is a new post in order so that commenters can all have a fresh start.

The only rule down there is: be nice. So far, so good.

But if ads start to overwhelm actual comments, I'll try to take some action that people will find acceptable.



shu-ichi said...
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Annje said...

Mr. Hodgman:

Visted your Website. It was quite nice. It did bring up some questions like, will you be appearing on the Daily Show soon? I missed your last appearance due to being on vacation in St. Louis where all the power went out for 10+hrs. Also are there any new MAC commericals in the pipeline for our enjoyment?? Just curious. Also do you have any new tour dates for your book when it comes out in paperback?

My inquiring mind is just wanting to know. :-)

Vladimir said...

Your website contains a spelling error. I'm disappointed in you.

delia jones said...

I got your book for Christmas from my boyfriend, and I left the boyfriend and kept the book. My plan worked, and I saved 40 dollars. Your book is expensive in Canada. Why is everything automatically marked up 8% for Canadian prices regardless of what the exchange rate is? I hope you're getting a cut of that fat, sweet Canadian bacon, otherwise my local big box bookstore buddies are a bunch of jerks.

FashionWhore said...

Goody! Now I only have to scroll for 2 seconds, instead of 2 hours! Sooo...the debate continues. Or does it? Does anyone actually care?

Annje said...

Good idea, and while on their road trip they meet and learn about some of the 700 hoboes who help them retrieve the last lecture..

Annje said...

opps I meant Lost..not Last..

FashionWhore said...

They can also meet all the crazy people who comment on their blog. We split into two groups: those of us who want to retrieve it, those who don't, and those who haven't a clue. Oh, wait, that's three.

Elayne said...

Oh, glad to see this isn't a defunct link! Looking forward to future posts, as you can fit them in between your busy paying gigs.

Naomi said...

I had looked at the hoboes project, though i didn't know they were in any way connected to your project. Actually it was a happy discovery for me to find out you are a writer and a "resident expert". I am delighted and look forward to knowing your work. And... yes *sigh before knowing you as John Hodgman I knew you as "the pc guy". Its a consumerist world, where gadgets have become gods, and i beg you forgive me. Cheers.

Casino said...

hmm, got no idea what was the purpose of your strange site...
Cassie and Music

jeenio said...

I do have a strong feeling that this blog is definitely going to be a gr

Steve Brook said...

Good afternoon from Melbourne.

Try this:

Christine Cody said...

re: Also do you have any new tour dates for your book when it comes out in paperback?

There will be new tour dates when the paperback releases on September 5th, I've heard.

hodg-man said...

Yes. I will be posting the dates very soon.