- This is Jh writing:
I have noticed that some people are making comments, but the main "blog page" hides them behind a blue shroud.
Perhaps you do not have this problem. It may be because I am not using a computer but a telegraph.
Still, here are the missing comments from the post below.
- Chris Radcliff said...
Shortly, meanwhile, I will be making dates available for the AREAS OF MY EXPERTISE (Paperback and Audio Editions) Tour of the US
Any chance you've considered visiting fair and pleasant San Diego? No? Then, sir, I'll go so far as to demand just such an event. I stamp my foot and shake my tiny fist. - Comment Deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
- Chris Radcliff said...
And if it's a matter of making things for you, I'd be pleased to weave you a pot-holder or compose a brief haiku.
- capnjoy said...
if you visit san francisco i will personally make sure you are greeted by an audience full of gold prospectors and homosexuals.
- hodg-man said...
SF will be on Oct 12.
I regret San Diego is not on the tour schedule, though Coulton and I will be in LA on Oct 9.
I do hope you and Mr. Coulton will be coming through the Metro Denver area sometime in the near future.
Might I get in the Canadian line to push for a tour north of the border?
You prove yourself a fraud, sir.
Were you truly a Canadian, you would have said "queue" instead of "line" and "programme" instead of "tour" and "inviso-line" instead of "border" and "SOUTH" instead of "NORTH" because your WHOLE WORLD IS UPSIDE DOWN.
I have been to Vancouver, and I know it to be true.
unlucky to have missed you. but, you're right, i'm not canadian. i'm a torontonian. :)
the internet will have to suffice for me... :)
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