Friday, February 09, 2007


BUT I AM INTERESTED, very interested indeed, in hearing Bourdain rant magnificently on the subject of SANDRA LEE and other sins of the Food Network.

COURTESY, as always, the excellent DETHRONER.



Kelly Hills said...

How could you not be interested in that?

Although, to truly nitpick, I do think Rachel Ray is actually The Devil. Sandra Lee is just a henchman, as is Bobby Flay.

Alton, of course, is God.

Wincey said...

I completely concur: Alton IS God and alone is worth the price of admission to Food Network.

In some corners, Ms. Lee is known as the Semi-Ho (for "Semi-Homemade," her show). Anyone who creates a recipe that calls for the inclusion of a bag of Corn-Nuts doesn't truly deserve a show on the Network of Food, I'd say.

tilly said...

...all this kowtowing to Phil has me worried...

hobogirl1 said...

Earth to John Hodgman. Earth to John Hodgman. Has the Playmo spaceship arrived where where you live? You must be visiting Lunar Base 1 at the moment. Don't wanna get on your nerves too much. You know somebody has to keep bugging you about this :-)

This hobogirl1 signing off.

Annje said...

OMG that was absolutely on the money. I totally agreed with everything Bourdain said. I've watched FN and I love Alton Brown wish more shows on the station were like that. Educational. I can take Emeril in small quantities. Rachel Ray?? EVOO anyone?? (Note: Rachel it's called Extra Virgin Olive Oil!! Try saying it.. Extra...You can do it..Extra...)

michaela said...

Nigella Lawson manages not to kill my soul.

Unknown said...

Who is phil? and you want to be in my podcast??? just email me at

LB said...

Hoboes for sale at Target, Colonie, NY.

That is all.

Unknown said...

What the? Target has all sorts of hobos. Including the double happiness oversize hobo, the hobo diaper bag, and slouchy hobo-- black.
A search for mole man produced no results.

ramona said...

regarding Phil: I've recently run across this book and the title of it alarms me to no end.

Are we in for a brief, yet frightening reign? Phil? Are you out there?

I do not know this Phil, but I was bitten by a dog named Phil once so this all has me a bit on edge.

Lhyzz said...

Alton Brown is made of win. What is it about witty, slightly chubby guys in specs, eh?

Leave Rachel Ray be. She's adorable. I wish she were my big sister.

Anonymous said...

phil is SUCH a good name for a dog.

ramona said...

I can't get over Rachel Ray's flailing man-hands. Like a bad car accident, or a photo of Brian Peppers... once you look at them, you physically cannot look elsewhere.

hobogirl1 said...

Hobos in Monroe Michigan