Monday, February 04, 2008


I WILL SAY THIS THOUGH, whoever suggested the Meadowlands for today's Obama rally should consider resigning.

ESPECIALLY WHEN the alternative was a much more public-transit friendly arena in Cory Booker's backyard.

"Mayor Cory A. Booker of Newark, who was at the rally, said that the rainy and snowy weather, the mid-workday timing and the relative lack of access to the Meadowlands were to blame. Mr. Booker said that he had hoped to play host to the event at the Prudential Center in downtown Newark, which is much easier to reach via public transportation and — for the city’s thousands of office workers — by foot."

That is all.


Anonymous said...

This is a little old now, but did you see Toni Morrison's endorsement? Senator Obama exhibits "something that has nothing to do with age, experience, race or gender and something I don't see in other candidates. That something is a creative imagination which coupled with brilliance equals wisdom."

kristen said...

Don't despair. The way delegates are accounted for, Barack is sure to do well in both NY and NJ,and even if HRC is going to "win", she won't win with the supermajority necessary to run away with most of the delegates. And remember that we don't have to WIN outright tomorrow - we have to stay within 200 or so delegates, and then Barack's momentum will carry us to victory in the later states. It's all good!

Andrew said...

Funny how expectations affect perception. 3000 as a small event? Only when compared to th 14,000 who showed up in Boise. As I recall, Bill was only roping in 300 at a time in NH.

I think it bodes well, regardless of poor planning. But what do I know, I live in Arkansas. I think there might only be 3,000 statewide.