WHAT I HAD IN MIND was more of a Roosevelt-at-Yalta cape, as per this HISTORICAL IMAGE.
(BUT IF THERE IS A CAPE HISTORIAN or "cloakist" in the crowd, please do enlighten me.)
UPDATED: Though of course, your imagination need not be restrained to this particular model if something like this is more up your alley.
That is all.
well, it might win elections in bag end - they certainly need a new leader now that frodo and bilbo have gone off the the undying lands... jesus, i'm such a geek.
That cape may not win elections, but those pants certainly will.
With that cape, he could definitely win over the "Strangely Drawn to the Last Few Pages of SkyMall" crowd.
when cloaks were first mentioned I was thinking Aragon (ick...my onw geekdom embarasses me), but after seeing the renaisance faire catalog photo I think the Aragon look would be crushed in the general elections
When I heard the word cape, I instantly thought of Superman. Although cloak made me think of the Hobbits.. I'm too much of a geek for my own good.
My imagination was definitely somewhere between Henry VIII and the Ghost of Christmas Present in Scrooge (1970).
I think it's a good look for him.
If he gets a cape, he absolutely must drop the suit. Suits and capes do not go together.
adam, are you suggesting just a cape and nothing else? that's a bold statement!
Has everyone here seen the "Yes We Can" music video? It is awesome.
Forget not, Dracula wears one, too. Every time he comes over to my house, he insists on swooping it around like he was on a Paris runway. My wife loves it, but I think he's a show-off, but usually, by the time he leaves, (sometimes by flying up through the mirror in the bedroom ceiling) I'm too drained to even say good-bye.
One thing's for sure: I won't vote for *him* again in the next election!
On a completely different note may I say Mr. Hodgman that it was a pleasure to see you on the Daily Show last night. So glad the "resident expert" is back.
Oh, yes, by the way, where can I get my copy of "The Five Habits of Highly Explosive People"? I've been calling around to bookstores, but they keep hanging up on me, which makes me think that your publisher is playing hard to get!
I think cape with three-piece suit is a far better look that the cape with birthday suit look. America may never be ready for that. France or Italy maybe, but we're altogether too prudish for that here.
One word: Elvis.
As far as I can tell from that picture of FDR, you are correct in believing that it is "some sort of naval watch cloak." If you've ever seen the A&E Hornblower series, they wear cloaks similar those, although they tend to have hoods as well.
You know what would really complement a cape? A goatee. The last time we elected a president with facial hair was 1908. Exactly one hundred years ago.
The time for a comeback has arrived.
Thanks for the cape ideas. We celebrateCapril in Australia every year - Wear a Cape to Work Month.
I was flipping through TV listings, and I thought I saw "World Extreme Capefighting" listed on the "vs" channel. Imagine my disappointment when I looked more closely and saw that it was "caGefighting."
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