AS GUION does not have a blog, and I am currently in the INTERNETLESS HILLS, and thus forced to blog even more poorly than ever,
I PRESENT HIS E-MAIL TO YOU UNEDITED, and without further interruption.

"This tanker truck was traveling between Little Rock and Nashville, as were we, on July 2. If you google the relevant phrase you will get nothing but blog entries by people describing how they googled it too and came up dry."
"It is worth noting that liquid is the state between solid and gas."
That is all.
PS: The time for both SECRET SHOWS shall be 8PM.
Ah, SchmaltzCo! Provider of Liquid Chicken Solutions to the Mid-South for over thirty years.
They used to air commericals during the early eighties featuring a middle-aged man in a cowboy hat and overalls named "Ellroy Burgess" doing the "Liquid Chicken," a dance best left to the imagination.
I'm afraid Liquid Chicken does not sound very palatable, but please point me towards a fine Gas Chicken establishment.
Much as I love a good mystery, I feel I must back the schmaltz (chicken fat) theory--when I google "liquid chicken", the first result concerns liquid chicken fat, which, after all, has to be shipped somehow.
Google also brings up a news piece about a schmaltz-spill on the highway. NOT ACCEPTABLE.
I suppose there's no point my in Googling the phrase since the mystery seems to be solved. I will add that the product in and of itself sounds exceedingly nauseating and is not something that will ever pass my lips.
Question: does David Guion accept fan mail?
If so, I have both praise and a question for him regarding his "Spy Rock" lecture. Please advise.
Also, are "liquid chickens" not just eggs?
I once found myself driving behind a truck with a bumper that read "Caution! Show Chickens!" This remains a mystery never fully explained. However, "blogging" in an attempt to put the show chickens in the spotlight led to an Iowan friend smugly saying that she had a good story about a chicken. Clearly, she thought that I, a life-long urbanite, would be awed by this. She was in turned awed by the fact that I had no fewer than 3 exciting chicken stories.
I think this proves Sen. Stevens' statement. Liquid Chicken is both in a big truck AND on the internet!
I'm just afraid at some point we'll have youngin's huffing chicken gas for a high..Kids running around clucking and running around in circles. I'm still stunned about liquid chicken. Very Weird.
Liquid chicken (liquid chicken)
In the wine (in the wine)
Make me happy (make me happy)
Make me feel fine (make me feel fine)
I would like to point out that the truck reads, "INEDIBLE." What possible uses could one have for liquid chicken fat other than cooking?
You must be looking at a different truck, Lhyzz. The one pictured here has only delicious, edible liquid chicken.
I read that it could be fat from chickens that is added to pet foods to improve taste and nutrition. Delicious!!
Chicken shake???
I have no idea...
Randal : If you click the "googled" link in the original post, the first result has a picture of the truck with the word "INEDIBLE" clearly visible.
Of course, it's possible that they are merely pointing out that the truck itself is inedible. I can only imagine what sort of space-age alloys are necessary to contain the, um... quintessence... that is liquid chicken.
Amendment : Upon further inspection, the other picture does show a different truck. Most of the trucks on the tubes do seem to say "INEDIBLE" though.
They probably just write "INEDIBLE" on it to prevent folks from flocking to it wanting a free sample at truck stops, like the cats do when I make a ham sandwich.
Or perhaps they "INEDIBLE" trucks go to make Victoria's Secret Bath Soap.
i find this guy
"They probably just write "INEDIBLE" on it to prevent folks from flocking to it wanting a free sample at truck stops, like the cats do when I make a ham sandwich."
You make ham sandwiches at truck stops? Wouldn't the kitchen be easier?
There are more cats at the truck stop.
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