...BUT EVEN SO, I am still able to update my blog .
That is all.
PHOTO COURTESY: "Meow Meow" Kays.
Pertaining to "MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE," a further compendium of COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE, and its author. That is all.
Nice chair. Are you in some sort of fancy Winnebago?
The fanciest!
Oh, that sounded like I was answering for you. I would never intentionally do that.
My guess is house car or house boat. Maybe something amphibious. Was this photo taken under water?
Looks opulent.
Your dedication to your blog, undisclosed locations, as well as recreational vehicles serves as an inspiration to us all.
BUT will you be watching BSG tonight?
Hello i have discovered the internet,
I know this may sound strange, but I think my ex-husband almost got into a fight with you about a decade ago. Party at Mary Beth's place...he was WAY drunk on far too much vodka, and he forced you into an argument: Metrocards vs. tokens. He took tokens. You were right, and he was pissed. And so began the dissolution of our marriage.
Found you on twitter...
Someone needs to have his people submit a photo to IMDB...
I MUST know what happened to the "e" HodgEman
Hodgman: I have been driving up and down the coast all weekend, hoping to run into you at your "undisclosed location." I recognize the space chair from the space exhibit at the California Science Center, as I sat in it when I tried to fly the Apollo-Soyuz command module to the moon (They won't let me come back either. No ambition, those people! No wonder the space program is in the doldrums!)
I'll be waiting for you outside!
. . .and thank you for your help.
Invite to hang out with us on our podcast at http://www.GodsMac.com. Contact us if interested. Keep up the good work!
It occurs to me: you are quite possibly the only person who wears their "every-day" clothes when appearing on The Daily Show.
@lhyzz - I think those clothes might be properly termed his "play-clothes" or "romper" - and Mr. H is one of those few distinguished men whose rompers come complete with tie and glasses and are thus suitable for both television appearances and leisure time. I saw Warren Buffett "live, from his vacation activities" on tv this morning and he was dressed almost the same, just with a more vivid color scheme.
I think Mr. Lafferty is a little deluded, but that is an interesting setup you're sitting in and I can't imagine what it might actually be or where you are. A driver's ed classroom? You'd hardly come all the way to the West Coast for a traffic violation, unless the world is a stranger place than even I suppose.
Me, I just went walking around the woods this week and no, I DO NOT update my blog every day . . . maybe because it makes me feel special not to.
I know that location and I may well disclose it
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