Monday, August 14, 2006

People Make Things for Coulton

Look at this poster an Ohioan named Tim Fuller made for Jonathan Coulton's appearance this saturday at the Montague (Massachusetts) Bookmill and Lady Killigrew Cafe.

CT Pope has made his travel plans. I hope you will please make yours, or at least contact your friends in Franklin and Hampshire counties and urge them to attend. The concert costs zero dollars, and maybe Coulton will bring one of the two half-monkey/half-pony monsters that have been made to please him.

Shortly, meanwhile, I will be making dates available for the AREAS OF MY EXPERTISE (Paperback and Audio Editions) Tour of the US, during which Coulton will accompany me on guitar while wearing a coonskin cap.

That is all.


bec_87rb said...

I got here first. I win.

bec_87rb said...

*looks dejected*

Okay, not really. The next person to actually post something with meaningful interesting content wins.


*kicks small stones with toe of shoe*

bec_87rb said...

Maybe I'm just bummed because I am getting nowhere near MA in the near future....

...but can someone go ahead and be the first poster and end the suspense?

Annje said...

Love the poster, good job Tim Fuller wherever you are..

C.T. Pope said...

In order to save me from any legal ramifications, I've watermarked the work Specimen on to the dollar. I trust anyone with a copy of the original jpg will now kindly burn their hard drive and then throw it in a loud river, preferably with Coulton's music playing in the background.

C.T. Pope said...

burn in the classical sense, to be sure

Anonymous said...

if you visit san francisco i will personally make sure you are greeted by an audience full of gold prospectors and homosexuals.

hodg-man said...

SF will be on Oct 12.

I regret San Diego is not on the tour schedule, though Coulton and I will be in LA on Oct 9.
