IF YOU DO NOT KNOW JOSHUAH BEARMAN, here is what you should know...
HE SPELLS HIS NAME with a redundant H.
HE WRITES AND BLOGS from LA, weekly.
HE IS AN ACE lecturer on the subject of Sasquatch and giant chinese Prairie Dogs (Bearman begins about halfway through the program, though by all means LISTEN TO THE WHOLE THING).
HE IS THE WORLD'S PRIMARY RESEARCHER on the fight to get the competitive classic arcade game circuit, which research has led to the new documentary KING OF KONG.
HE IS THE AUTHOR OF THE VERY FINEST "True Life Tale" that we never published (for the full story, go here. Again, Bearman begins halfway through the program that you should LISTEN TO IN ITS ENTIRETY).
That is all.
(Courtesy Arthur Jones at the Post-It Note Reading Series for the snowman illustration, and the very talented, very, very patient Kevin Guilfoile for the "True Life Tale" linked above).
Quick Question:
I'm toying with the idea of getting your audiobook on Itunes, but it's abridged...what will I be missing?
I would say we skipped perhaps 2-3% of the book due to it not really working on "audio."
That is all.
Dear unimpressed,
I would like to point out that while you will miss illustrations, and some charts, you will also be treated to the musical stylings of Jonathan Coulton, plus their banter. I think the reading by Hodgman adds a great deal to the book.
Also, especially large hands.
I just read the Wired article straight through, my only question: who's writing the screen-play?
and may I add that Hodg-man does often wear tweed and looks like he could play a CIA operative playing an Irish sci-fi director -- well at least play the latter.
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