YOU MAY BE INTERESTED TO KNOW that I recently received an e-mail from "WALTER," the irascible (seriously: HE WAS NOT RASCIBLE) jury pool clerk I admired so much then AND NOW:
(BEGIN quoted text)
"Hello and Thanks-
My girlfriend googled my name a while back and your .blog report on jury service came up and she read it and smiled and gave me a kiss-so thanks.
Hope your strike ends soon and you and your fellow workers come out on top or nearer to top than when you started.
take care,walter"
(END quoted text)
FROM WALTER'S ELECTRONIC MOUTH to the writers' and producers' ears.
Are you sure he wasn't rascible? I thought that he was reasonably rascible, from my previous reading.
That is SO cool!! To get such a lovely electronic mail from Walter. I agree with Walter I too hope the strike ends soon with both sides satisfied and you back as "Resident Expert". Although I am getting a kick out of the cartoon version of Hodg-man as PC on the commercials.
I think it's great that your post allowed Walter to score a bit from his girl. Now you will be receiving messages from lonely men all over the world, prostrating themselves in hopes that a mention of them on your blog will garner them the same boost in game that it provided Walter.
Prepare yourself...the flood cometh...
Walter is the coolest. After your glowing review, I found some articles that had been written about him. And plus he is a gentleman! Lovely.
PS, the new Mac ad with your avatars is VERY cute. "He sees you when you're in sleep mode..." Darling!
Haven't seen the cartoony version. Was Mac hip enough to get Apelad to artistify you?
So cool -- the internet is a small world.
By the way, unrelated to that, I saw the Xmas PC/Mac commercial where they did little claymation caricatures of you and Justin Long, and I have to say that I HATE it. The dialog is fine, whatever, but it doesn't look a thing like you... and don't let anyone tell you differently.
OK, so there are already two comments so maybe this is the right place to say something about the latest mac/pc ad?
Its a cute idea, but what is the deal with your avatars? It looks like the only sizes available were "Stick-boy" and "Burl Ives".
Surely they could have tried some size in between for you? Even Yukon Cornelius wasn't that round.
I don't mind being the designated Burl Ives at all.
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